Progress on First Scenario

It's only been a few weeks since I finished the book, and life has been a bit of a hurricane, but I've been thinking about it in almost all my free time since then!

Seems that, before I can move on to other projects, I have a lot of work left to do, so here's the first step: A scenario that gives GMs an idea of what sort of adventures the game can tackle and how they might be able to use it with their own groups.

My first idea was a bit over-complicated, with too many moving parts for the small size I am picturing, but I think I have nailed down the bones of a conflict that can take 1 to 3 sessions to tackle and allow the sorts of epic actions that will help the characters gain glory or build themselves a legacy.

The Last Regret is about protecting people from incredible danger, the lengths that pride & personal glory can drive one to, and decisions that can lead to very different conflicts. Also, the power of a horrifying human-hunting demigod.

To that end, it'll also have a bunch of example oppositions, representing things like traversing shadow-haunted forests or attempting to sway a band of enemy soldiers to your side or fighting someone possessed by said horrifying human-hunting demigod.

It should be complete within the next week or two, after which I'll start work on a small rules expansion (which may take longer, as I'm also working on another game jam).

Hope everyone who's grabbed Worthy has enjoyed it, and please let me know if you've run it and have any thoughts!


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